The Carters Mead project was a one-off job on behalf of our client, Harlow Council, involving the refurbishment of a void maisonette flat. Works included:
- Structural repairs
- Decorations
- Internal masking of windows
- Removal of ivy.

This project was of great importance, as the property was being rejuvenated to rehouse members of the public who had found themselves in difficult relationships within their families and needed to find a new place to live.
The structural repairs were carried out using helifix bars, which were placed in vertical ascendance and 4-6 bricks apart, thus adding tension and supporting the structure in a horizontal movement plane, while the bricks support in the vertical movement plane. Once this structural repair was complete, we set to work decorating the internals of the property.
There were variations from the original programme which had to be dealt with in a timely and efficient manner. The kitchen ceiling was still in its original form, which had a textured feel and look. Initially, we were going to scrape the ceiling back to a flat and smooth finish, but instead, we simply covered it in plasterboard and painted over it.
As a certified Carbon Neutral Business, we partnered with KM Eco for the waste recycling of this project. Sustainability is at the forefront of our minds and even on a small-scale job such as this, we sought out KM Eco when there was only a skips worth of wastage. This not only shows our commitment to helping the environment but further enhances that sustainability is one of our core principles at Chas Berger.
One of our apprentice Project Managers, Oliver Brotherton, took on Carters Mead as his first solo project. Oliver has been working under the trusty wings of his brother Ryan on many multi-million-pound projects but was given the opportunity to take on the small void maisonette flat.
The completion of this project came as a resounding success and as a result of the fantastic mentoring that Oliver has received up to this point, and will continue to receive for the duration of his apprenticeship.
The once tired Carters Mead property that lay empty and need of repair has now been rejuvenated and given a new lease of life, rehousing members of the public with a much needed place to live.
Harlow Council